What’s the big deal about face? Many of my non-Asian colleagues have a hard time wrapping their heads around this question. On the flip side, when conversation turns to the topic...
“I’m right,” “I’m a good person,” and “I didn’t make a mistake.” These three mindsets regularly keep people from addressing conflict issues. Those I interviewed in China for my dissertation...
A church brother deeply offended you, so you find a reasonable excuse to step down from serving together with him on the worship team. You figure life would be easier...
One of my passions is to connect people to useful resources. Thus, I have a series of posts introducing various US- and Taiwan-based organizations that specialize in biblical peacemaking, communication,...
During my years of teaching conflict resolution in China, numerous people said to me, “I don’t have conflicts with others.” Being an American, the comment puzzled me. I wondered, how...
One of my passions is to connect people to useful resources. Thus, I have a series of posts introducing various US- and Taiwan-based organizations that specialize in biblical peacemaking, communication,...
In 2010, I found myself in Hong Kong at a five-day intensive biblical peacemaking, conflict coaching, and mediation training. I knew I needed to be there because prior to the...