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爱与冲突和睦事工 is a Christian ministry whose starting point is the gospel—Jesus Christ and the Cross—to “preach the gospel inward.” The Christian life is a journey of continual confession, repentance, and acceptance of the gospel by faith. The gospel must be preached inward before it can be preached outward. God’s children must first receive the grace of the gospel and have a holy life before they can live out God’s love. Love and Conflict calls people to respond to conflicts in a different way from the world, and with the testimony of a peacemaking life, “preach the gospel of Christ’s resurrection outward.”



  1. 呼召人成为和平使者
  2. 装备人按照圣经真理回应冲突
  3. 培植教会和社区和睦文化土壤

语言:: Love and Conflict has resources in Chinese.

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