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和解大使机构 is an international ministry founded to help Christians and their churches in carrying out their peacemaking responsibilities as Christ’s ambassadors. AOR’s mission is equipping Christians and their churches for living, proclaiming and cultivating lifestyles of reconciliation.

The ministry of reconciliation is given to the local church and every believer. AOR’s purpose is to inspire and prepare the leader’s of Christ’s church around the world to carry out this vocation in more effective ways. Ambassadors of Reconciliation is an independent, non-profit corporation. Their approach is based upon Holy Scriptures.

2021年12月,和解大使宣布成立一个新部门: 基督徒调解协会(ICC)。他们非常高兴继续管理这一卓越的基督徒和解事工。

语言:和解大使有 英语和西班牙语两种语言的资源。

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