At my Jan 14th book release party, my Dad prayed a moving prayer of blessing and dedication for 'Changing Normal: Break Through Barriers to Pursuing Peace in Relationships.' Thank you,...
What does your typical apology sound like? The story I share here is taken from Chapter One, page 18 of my book, Changing Normal: Break Through Barriers to Pursuing Peace...
If you are unaccustomed to initiating conversations about conflict issues, you might feel nervous, scared, or anxious when considering such an action. Perhaps everything in you cries out “Leave!” or...
One of my passions is to connect people to useful resources. Thus, I have a series of posts introducing various US- and Taiwan-based organizations that specialize in biblical peacemaking, communication,...
In a face-saving culture, neither giving authentic apologies nor proactively communicating about conflict are for the faint of heart. Many of those I interviewed in China recognized “that true strength...
An important aspect of Chinese culture is giving face to others. Giving face is valued and seen as an appropriate action to take when conflict surfaces. We are expected to...
What’s the big deal about face? Many of my non-Asian colleagues have a hard time wrapping their heads around this question. On the flip side, when conversation turns to the topic...
A church brother deeply offended you, so you find a reasonable excuse to step down from serving together with him on the worship team. You figure life would be easier...
Are you new to biblical peacemaking and wondering where to start? Whether you are navigating your own conflict or coming alongside someone else in conflict, I highly recommend reading Ken...