Aaron Lee at SOLA Network has written a wonderful book review of Changing Normal. The content here is taken from a condensed version of the review found at Threadsthesolanetwork: How...
My May 3, 2024 article in Christianity Today: In 1997, I moved from America to China to teach English and study Mandarin. I ended up working there for 15 years....
One of my passions is to connect people to useful resources. Thus, I have a series of posts introducing various US- and Taiwan-based organizations that specialize in biblical peacemaking, communication,...
One of my passions is to connect people to useful resources. Thus, I have a series of posts introducing various US- and Taiwan-based organizations that specialize in biblical peacemaking, communication,...
The one who first states a case seems right, until the other comes and cross-examines. -- Proverbs 18:17 (NRSV) The first time I came across this verse after learning how...
Check out ‘Changing Normal: Break Through Barriers to Pursuing Peace in Relationships’ here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1950058085 For more on the story I share in this video, read Chapter Two, “Why...
In Chinese culture, when two people are in conflict, it is common to have a third party be a go-between for communication in order to preserve everyone’s face. While a...
When I asked Li Min to describe a typical conflict scenario with her husband, she told me, “None of our conflict situations are about big things, just daily life things.”1 To...
Living out 1 John 3:18, “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (NIV) can bear peacemaking fruit in our relationships. Thankfully, God loves...
In a face-saving culture, neither giving authentic apologies nor proactively communicating about conflict are for the faint of heart. Many of those I interviewed in China recognized “that true strength...